Posted: December 28, 2010

For the file for the rebalancing effective at the opening on December 31, 2010, the link that will be found on the website of our calculation agent is here:

Please note: All event postings, including quarterly rebalancing information, will no longer be made available on a timely basis at this website. They may be archived here for the convenience of researchers.

As of December 1, 2010, index events are announced via this website maintained by our calculation agent:

Index followers who require email notification of the posting of index events to the website of our calculation agent may arrange for this by requesting it from:

Dwijen A. Gandhi
Global Index & Exchange Traded Products
NYSE Euronext, Inc.
20 Broad Street, 10th Floor | New York, NY 10005
Office +1-212-656-4468

Notification emails will direct recipients to this link:
where the information can be found.

Some historical index actions can be researched here: